All VASPO products have been certified in accordance with the procedure of the Technical and Testing Institute of Civil Engineering (Technický a skúšobný ústav stavebný), as an accredited certification authority for product certification.
The product certificate proves that the properties:- reaction to fire class A1,
- mass activity of 226Ra,
- mass activity index,
- compressive strength of concrete,
- frost resistance of concrete,
- product absorbency,
- frost resistance of the product,
- abrasiveness,
- dimensions and dimensional deviations,
- visual defects and damage
- meet the Slovak criteria by the technical assessment of SK TP - 14/0042.
The company is a member of the Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry - an independent representative of the market economy which protects the interests of business entities, supports their development in the national European and global scale.
Reliable manufacturing company:
The National Information Centre of the Slovak Republic, a.s. confirmed the result of the evaluation focused on the reliability of the company VASPO STONE, s.r.o. in the industrial production sector.
The company thus obtained the mark “RELIABLE MANUFACTURING COMPANY”.
This puts the company among the 5.6% of companies that meet the criteria of economic health and good payment ethics.